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My Super Garden Family

With four autistic children to take care of, Niall and his wife Natalie Hartnett have their hands full and are looking for a garden that will provide a refuge from the stresses of their day to day lives.

The family live with their four children; Jade (11), Gavin (10), Alex (8), and Charlie (6) in a cosy family home in Hospital, Co. Limerick. As all four children have autism, Natalie and Niall have had to leave work to become full-time carers to meet their children’s various needs.

Every minute is spent running between medical appointments and every penny is stretched to cover the cost of installing a physiotherapy playroom.

The couple are hoping that a garden designer can provide them with a place to unwind while still being able to keep an eye on the children.

All though the Hartnett family love Anthony’s 'Tranquility Garden' design and his big personality, it soon becomes clear that his lack of preparation means that this garden could create more stress than a refuge for the couple.

Natalie’s father Billy happens to be an experienced builder but tempers get frayed when it’s clear the landscaper's failure to schedule enough workers means his daughter will have to help wheel in barrows of wet cement for foundations.

Anthony admits he’s been out of his depth and expresses his deep gratitude to the Hartnett's who he says should share in the prize if the garden does end up going to Bloom.

Watch this episode now on RTÉ Player.

About My Super Garden

Thursday 24th May, 8.30pm

Last modified: Tuesday 8th May, 10.14am

Winning Super Garden would be like winning the lotto for Anthony Faulkner. However, he needs many hands-on-deck if he is to complete the garden on time. Can be provide a restful space for a busy family?

Small time operator dreams of the big time and an amazing family pull together to try to help him get there.

With four autistic children to take care of, Niall and Natalie Hartnett have their hands full and are looking for a garden that will provide a refuge from the stresses of their day to day lives. Small time landscaper Anthony Faulkner is determined to provide it for them but at first he seems to be adding to their stress levels and workload! With Anthony out of his depth, the family rally around and help pull the ambitious garden together but will they have enough time before judging day?

Although the Hartnett family love Anthony’s design and his big personality, his lack of preparation and sometimes naïve approach means the couple have to weigh in to help with the heavy lifting in order to help get Anthony’s design off the ground. Natalie’s father Billy happens to be an experienced builder but tempers get frayed when it’s clear Anthony’s failure to schedule enough workers means his daughter will have to help wheel in barrows of wet cement for foundations.

With everyone approaching a state of exhaustion judge Gary Graham calls to find out what’s to be done.

Gary is actually impressed with the progress and feels the garden has real potential, but he urges Anthony to shape up and take control. Anthony admits he’s been out of his depth and expresses his deep gratitude to the Hartnett's who he says should share in the prize if the garden does end up going to Bloom. But with judging day less than two weeks away, the garden is a very long way from being ready for Bloom! At the start Anthony said winning Super Garden would be like winning the Lotto. If he does, the Hartnett's will definitely have been his lucky ticket!

Super Garden, Thursday May 24th, 8:30PM on RTÉ One.

Show 5: Further information:

Designer: Anthony Faulkner (40), Carrick-On-Suir, Co. Tipperary

Occupation: Landscaper

Tipperary born Anthony Faulkner knew he needed to push the envelope in his designs if he wanted a chance to go to Bloom! Having worked in gardens since the age of 20 as a landscaper, Anthony has long dreamed of moving up to the next level and he finally has his chance. Having recently set up his own landscaping company Anthony is eager for the challenges that lie ahead as he tackles a show garden for the very first time. He’s hoping that the woodland refuge he has in mind will relax the homeowners but excite the judges. According to Anthony: showcasing his Super Garden design at Bloom would be ‘like winning the Lotto’.

Homeowners: Natalie (37) and Niall (41) Harnett, Hospital, Co. Limerick

Occupation: Carers

Natalie, Niall and their four children Jade (11), Gavin (10), Alex (8), and Charlie (6) live in a cosy family home in Hospital, Co. Limerick. With all four children diagnosed with autism, Natalie and Niall have had to leave work to become full-time carers to meet their children’s various needs. Every minute is spent running between medical appointments and the children’s extracurriculars (such as Gavin’s tumbling practices, where he has earned himself a spot on the National Squad). Every penny is stretched to cover the cost of installing a physiotherapy playroom, leaving Natalie and Niall with no time and money just for themselves. They are hoping that a garden designer can provide them with a place of escape in their very own back garden where they can unwind and still keep an eye on the children – as long as they don’t have to lose the trampoline!

Design: The Tranquility Garden

Natalie and Niall say they want a garden for themselves and Anthony has designed a Woodland Retreat for the hard working couple with a sunken seating area topped by a Crannog type wooden roof to act as a sunshade and shelter. A nearby water feature brings the soothing sounds of running water into this area. The woodland planting frames it and is designed to bring wildlife into the garden for Niall who loves the outdoors but has been forced to stay at home for much of the last few years. The trampoline is a must for the garden and Anthony admits he still needs to find a really clever way to blend it into the overall design but his curved wall might serve to soften it’s presence a bit. The garden is completed by a strip of lawn by the side wall which Anthony feels would be important for the children (even though it IS Niall and Natalie’s garden!)

Series Overview

The new series of Super Garden returns on Thursday 26th of April on RTÉ One.

Once again five would-be garden designers take on the challenge of transforming five ordinary gardens into show gardens worthy of Bloom. Only one will be chosen to be recreated at Ireland’s premier gardening event, and competition is fierce between the five to ensure that their design is the one who will make it through.

Providing advice (and occasional criticism!) are our three judges. Representing Bloom by Bord Bia: Gary Graham, for Cuprinol, design lecturer Monica Alvarez and for Woodie’s it’s former Super Garden winner Brian Burke.

These three will have the tough decision of choosing a winner of this year’s series with the winning garden being unveiled in the Super Garden finale live from Bloom on the 30th of May.

For a non-professional designer winning Super Garden can be a life-changing experience. The road to Bloom begins on Thursday the 26th of April at 8.30 on RTÉ One.

First day onsite in front of the cameras


Super Garden

RTÉ Guide14 May 2018

8.30pm RTÉ One

This instalment of the green-fingered series sees another participant take up the challenge of breathing new life into a family’s garden.

It is the turn of Anthony Faulkner, from Carrick-On-Suir, Co Tipperary, whose plan is to go big or go home.

He has worked as a landscaper for 20 years, and hopes that his two decades of experience will help him on his mission to get his design recreated at this year’s Bloom.

He aims to transform Natalie and Niall Harnett’s garden in Hospital, Co Limerick into a place of tranquillity.

My super Garden 2018 friends and my super garden phone call from judging night

Me in front of the super garden judges and my super garden in the snow

Me and the rest of the class of 2018

Me the viewers choice winner with Darren Joyce the overall winner

Myself the viewers choice winner with my super garden family 

Me and the class of 2018

The 2018 RTE Super Garden Viewers Trophy â€‹

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